Projects - Bolivia

Project Name:  Prevention of cardiovascular risk and late diagnosis of cancer in patients with metabolic syndrome
Institution: Universidad Franz Tamayo (UNIFRANZ)
Mentor: Luis Gómez Peña

Metabolic syndrome is a chronic clinical issue, characterized by a group of risk factors that imply a global health problem to the public. Metabolic syndrome is a disorder with an important incidence directly related to chronic non-communicable diseases that cause great morbidity and mortality in Bolivia. The Ministry of Health issued a ministerial resolution declaring a state of epidemic problems such as malnutrition due to overweight and obesity in school and adolescent population, as seen in the student population of the university of UNIFRANZ, Santa Cruz. This syndrome has also been directly related to 13 types of cancer. As a result, we carried out a research of four of the most frequent cancers (breast, cervix, colon and prostate). Using as background the existent preliminary work completed by medical students on metabolic syndrome as part of a seedbed research, and community activities at the “Perpetuo Socorro” Health Center with elderly patients with diabetes mellitus, practicing physical exercises under controled risk factors. We are now faced with the need to integrate teaching, research and the university extension, to implement solutions with this group of collaborators of the university community as a vulnerable group.

This project includes particular situations of people with obesity and metabolic syndrome that require special studies and concrete interpretations. The inclusion of studies with tumor markers, new drugs, synergies between hypotensive drugs and the increase of higher number of hypertensive and diabetic patients at younger ages support and justify the need for a strategy and protocols to reduce this incidents.
Spanish is required as the student will be interacting with pacients, student population, and collaborating faculty to the research. The student will be integrated into research teams performing literary review, problem and objectives tree design, data analysis evidence base reviews, and other activities related to the ressearch.