Mentors - Brazil

Tatiane Araujo dos Santos

Dr. Araujo dos Santos is a professor at the School of Nursing at the Federal University of Bahia. She is a specialist in Social Medicine with a concentration in family health from the Instituto de Saúde Coletiva/UFBA. Dr. Dos Santos holds a Master and PhD in Nursing from the Federal University of Bahia. Since 2013, she has been professor at the UFBA School of Nursing and a leader of the research group in policies, management, work and human resources in nursing and collective health. Dr. Dos Santos is the coordinator of PET Health Management and the director of communication of the Union of Nurses of the State of Bahia. She serves as a consultant for the Pan-American Health Organization at the Health Secretariat of the State of Bahia. Her areas of interest include: work in health care and nursing, work regulations, clinical error, worker's health, management of work and education in healthcare, management and evaluation of health policies as well as health planning.

Larisa Pedreira

Dr. Pedreira is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Bahia School of Nursing, working with undergraduate, graduate, master's, and doctoral students. She is involved in their orientations, teaching, research, and community outreach activities at School of Nursing. She is a member and vice-leader of the Elderly Studies and Research Group. She has experience in the field of nursing and in caring for elderly populations. She has mainly worked on topics related to care for hospital-home transition, home care, caregivers, and intensive care units. She has experience with qualitative research, especially action research and phenomenology. She coordinates the research and extension project "Care for the hospital-home transition of adults and elderly people," developed at the University Hospital.

Anderson Reis de Sousa

Dr. Reis de Sousa is an adjunct professor at the School of Nursing at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). He holds a Master and PhD in Nursing from the Nursing School of UFBA. He has vast experience in clinical nursing care, with a focus in nursing education. Dr. Reis de Sousa is a professor in the Graduate Program in Nursing and Health studies at the UFBA, integrating the Brazilian Network of Male Nurses; Latin American Nursing Network; International Association of Evidence Based Nursing. He serves as the coordinator of the Ethics Research Committee (CEP) at the Nursing School UFBA and lead researcher of the Center for Studies in Adult Health Care and Technology (NECTA), registered with the CNPq, working in the area of Care in the Human Development Process. He is an editor in Brazilian journals and an evaluator in Brazilian and foreign journals, with over a hundred articles published and indexed in scientific journals. His main interests are in nursing education, research and concentration in: health of adults and their families, and sexual diversity and gender: men's health. In the clinical-care scope, he has focused on different levels of Health Care including Human and Professional Care, Health Promotion, Health Literacy, Nursing Process and Nursing Theories. Dr. Reis de Sousa additional interests are in global and local regional health, in the context of access, illness/chronic health conditions, corporeality, sexuality, practices and production of care, discrimination, disparities/inequities/social vulnerabilities in health and human rights for the guarantee of social justice. He has collaborated in the development of methodological, digital/web/technological studies - digital health, clinical-qualitative, biosocial, socio historical, mixed and in the construction of Theoretical Models and Theories to subsidize the professional practice and the training of human resources in Nursing and Health.

Handerson Silva Santos

Dr. Silva Santos is a professor at the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) School of Nursing, from which he earned both his master’s and Ph.D. degrees in nursing. Dr. Silva Santos teaches classes in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Nursing and Health, based on the GERIR Research Group, in the line of research Training, Management and Work in Nursing and Health. He has served as vice president of the Regional Nursing Council of Bahia (2018-2020) and as a nurse at the Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS, Psychosocial Care Center) in the city of Salvador (2013). In 2012 he was collaborating researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology - Science, Innovation and Technology in Health (INCT-Citecs - ISC/UFBA) and a nurse for the Family Health Strategy in the rural area of Jacobina, Bahia. Dr. Silva Santos’ areas of interest include Error in Nursing, Human Error, Patient safety, French line discourse analysis, Nursing Workforce, Regulation of Nursing Work, History of Nursing, and Health policies.
